Dietary energy supply-DES: Kilocalories per capita per day of food consumption. A standard measure of food intake. 食物能量供应(简写为DES):每人每日食物消费的卡路里,是衡量食物摄入的标准尺度。
In order to meet the requirement of environment, Jiangyin Branch encourages the consumption of high standard clean petrol titled as Green Consumption. 为适应环保要求,公司大力倡导绿色消费,推广使用高标号清洁汽油。
The content of chromium in eel exceeded "the human consumption sanitation standard". 鳗鱼中的铬含量超过“人体消费卫生标准”。
The product consumption of brand, standard and pattern and replacement for sports goods is less, while no-standard and pattern product is more. 体育器材的消费品牌产品、标准产品、定型产品少,替代产品、非定型产品、非标准产品多,且以球类器材为主。
Relations between consumption structure and income standard of citizens in China; 居民消费支出结构转型是经济增长方式转型的重要内容。
The Construction Ministry of China has issued Energy saving design standard for dwellings in hot summer/ cold winter area. It specifies energy saving measures and energy consumption standard of HVAC system design for dwellings in Yangzi River and nearby region. 建设部制定的《夏热冬冷地区居住建筑节能设计标准》,对长江流域及周围居住建筑从热工和暖通空调设计方面提出了节能措施和能耗控制指标,并制定了节能设计性能指标。
The results showed that the main factors that have effect on the determination results are the concentration and consumption volumn of the standard titrate solution used for determination. 结果表明:影响测定结果的主要因素是测定使用的标准滴定溶液的浓度和消耗的体积数。
The project cost based on the project budget quota is basically the social average price, which can be regarded as the reference price in market competition, but can not amply reflect the real consumption and management standard of the enterprises taking part in the competition. 以工程预算定额为依据形成的工程造价基本上属于社会平均价格,它可作为市场竞争的参考价格,但不能充分反映参与竞争企业的实际消耗和管理水平。
The equivalent ratio of total energy consumption to total turnover ( IA) was acted as the evaluation index of reasonable energy consumption. The scope of IA value corresponding to energy consumption standard was determined. 用总能源费/总营业额的当量比值I修作为能源消耗合理程度的评价指标统计出能耗标准对应I修值的范围;
According to population, cultivated land, yield potential per unit area, consumption standard and so on, this paper discusses and analyses the main idea and conclusion of the article, "who will feed China", and puts forward advantageous proposals. 本文从人口、耕地、单产潜力、消费水平等方面讨论和分析了谁来养活中国一文中提到的主要观点和结论,并提出了通过这些讨论和分析应该得到的有益启示。
The rise of consumption standard will cause the change in consumption methods, and with the development of supermarkets, fresh food circulation form will also change, which necessarily will lead to the innovation of supply chain management. 消费水平的提高必然导致消费方式的改变,超市的出现必然导致生鲜农产品流通业态的改变,最终必然导致供应链管理方式变革。
The consumption tax is a kind of tax collected by governments which is based on the level of economic development, people's living standard, consumption standard and structure. 消费税是国家根据经济发展水平,考虑人民的生活水平、消费水平和消费结构而征收的一种税。
This article introduces the development process of China's fuel consumption standard, and compares domestic fuel consumption standard with foreign ones, indicates that China's fuel consumption standard is more strict than most countries and regions; 介绍了我国乘用车燃料限值法规的发展进程,对国内外的燃料消耗限制法规进行了比较,指出我国的燃料限值法规严于大部分国家和地区;
Test and analysis on domestic water consumption standard in Shenyang residential community 沈阳市居住区生活用水量标准的测试分析
Since 1998, consumption credit has developed rapidly in our country and it has also played very important role in increasing consumption, expanding inland-demand and enhancing people's consumption standard. 自1998年以来,消费信贷在我国得到了迅速的发展,为促进消费、扩大内需以及提高人民消费水平发挥了重要作用。
Nowadays the sluggish transformation of periodic markets in rural areas is due to the following reasons: rural residents 'income and consumption standard are comparatively low; 今天中国乡村集市转型的迟滞,一方面是由于乡村居民收入和消费水平相对低下;
The forecasting and calibrating of spare consumption standard is a fundamental work to equipment repairing quarantine. 备件消耗标准的预测与制定是装备维修保障有效性和经济性的基础性工作;
As viewed from strategy, this article points out that "change conception, strengthen management and construct energy management system" are the magic weapon of realizing enterprise's energy consumption standard. 本文从战略高度提出抓好转变观念,加强管理,建立能源管理体系三个环节,是企业竞争取胜,能源方针目标得以实现的法宝。
It is obvious that urban residents 'consumption structure and consumption standard determine the frequency, expense, manner, attitude, time and space of the residents' recreational activities. 可见,城市居民消费结构与消费水平会影响居民休闲活动的次数、花费、休闲活动的方式、态度以及参与活动的时间、空间等。
Conditions for determining the energy consumption standard in the Changjiang River Basin 确定长江流域供暖空调能耗指标的边界条件
The sports consumption standard was still in a low level condition; 体育消费水平还处于较低状态;
Adopt relative density of fresh paste, water consumption of standard consistence and fluidity to reflect the water requirement of fresh paste together. 采用新拌浆体的密度、标准稠度用水量和流动度共同反映新拌矿渣水泥的需水量问题。
By analyzing energy consumption differences between standard and actual operation parameters in this system, the performance optimization system can provide operators on-line guidance to optimize the performance of the units, and improve the efficiency of the power plant. 通过对机组运行参数及性能参数进行耗差分析,试系统对运行人员进行实时的调整指导,使机组运行的经济性得以提高,有利于电厂的节能降耗。
Town residential water consumption standard is the basic data for planning and designing of town water supply systems. 集镇居民生活用水量标准是集镇给水系统规划和设计的基础数据。
The Passenger Car Fuel Consumption Standard of China and its Effect on Lubricant Market 国内乘用车燃料限值法规对润滑油市场的影响
Clean process equipment remains to be further improved, Clean production process does not target the establishment of effective resource consumption of feed-forward control standard quantitatively. 企业的清洁生产工艺设备还有待进一步改进,清洁生产过程没有对目标消耗确立有效的资源量化的前馈控制标准;对职责的明确上,仍然缺乏有效的清洁生产管理责任机制。
Take the terminal state, transfer time and energy consumption standard as constraint condition, a method of design the optimal energy transfer orbit is given, a transfer orbit based on continuous velocity pulse maneuver is getted and diminish the energy consumption in the orbit transfer. 本文以末值状态,转移时间和能耗指标等作为约束条件,给出了最优能耗转移轨道的设计方法,得到基于连续速度脉冲机动的转移轨道,减小了轨道转移过程中的能量消耗。
The consumption of flower has assumed the increasing tendency, but the old-fashioned consumption conception and low consumption standard have produced bad effects on the development of flower industry. 花卉的消费呈现出增长的势头,但人们消费观念落后,消费水平相对低下都影响着花卉业的发展。
The effluent quality achieved the urban miscellaneous water consumption and landscape water standard. 使工程的出水水质达到了城市杂用水、城市景观用水的水质标准。